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Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something

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Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something Empty Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something

Post by Komoda 9/6/2009, 11:25 am

What should I talk about today...?

September Something

Wait, is it the sixth? I don't think I've even changed my calender to September yet.
*Checks downstairs calendar*
It's Sunday already? Aw, man. I have so much to do.

Anyway, I think I'm going to do the horror movie marathon thing with Matt and Mal today.

Oh gosh, though...

I mean, I'm not the person to assume people like me, because I know people don't. It's just the way things are... But Matt has been saying strange things lately...

Okay, I guess I must explain this in story mode.

So, there's this guy in my class named Conner. He's the typical 'hot' guy with hockey hair that all the girls love. I, personally, don't like him. I mean, he's decent... But I have to have a connection, ya know?

Back on track. So Xandy and Chuck (Alex and Charly) met him at Xandy's cabin in May... And Alexandria has kinda been stalking him ever since. So Charly told me to get his number, since he's in all our classes.
"Ummm... No," was what I told her.

Then I asked Matt to ask, but Conner just looked at him funny then laughed.

So then in art, I asked Xandy if she really did want his number...

Then she was like, "No... He has it on facebook, so I could get it if I wanted to."

Then Nathan, Conner's friend, walked by. He looked at us and was like, "What the h___?"
Haha, so we were like, "What?" and he didn't answer.

That boy tends to hear my strange conversations with people. First the batman thing, now this... O.o

It turns out that Charly was just saying that so that Conner would think I liked him. She's so good at lying... And she'll do that to me all the time. One time she asked me to give Neil a hug, and I said no. Then she kept on asking me just so that it would seem I liked him, and it worked. She's a troublemaker sometimes. I've never liked Conner or Neil, yet she made it seem like I'm obsessed with them.

Whoa, I am so off track. I need to back this thing up to get my point.

So when I asked Matt to get Conner's number, I was giving him puppy eyes. He said that didn't do anything, so I called him "Renny." Now, that nickname may not make sense to you, but it's part of his last name. And FYI, we NEVER call him Matt. We always call him by his last name because we're G like that. I just don't use that name on here for safety reasons.

Okay, so I called him Renny then so did Charly. Then he looked at Charly and was like, "It's not hot when you say it."

My expression was: O.O

And so was Charly's.

Lol, then I think we got talking about how he didn't see my mom because I made him stay in the basement. Haha, Charly was looking at me with disgust the whole time because of the way I was saying it. Hahaha

So yeah... I hope he doesn't like me. I mean, he probably doesn't, though. We're just ridiculous like that. Like, he'll call me Chrissypoo and I'll call him Mattypoo but I can't even remember why we did that. It's just to freak people out, really. Hahaha, Charly gets so mad at us. Especially because she likes him.

Rotfl, I would never date him though so she doesn't have to worry.

Besides... It's not like she's never sat on a guy's lap the second I told her I liked him. It was funny, I guess, but uh... Still.

Oh... That's so sad. My daddio said he broke my mom's little strawberry when he was hammering on the wall. The way he said it make it seem to depressing...

Crying or Very sad Pauvre wittle strawburry.

I watched Titanic yesterday. I actually didn't cry as much as I wanted to, though, because I knew dad would make fun of me. I still cried a little bit, though.

Agh, gotta get chores done now. See y'all laters!
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Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something Empty Re: Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something

Post by Komoda 9/6/2009, 11:28 am

Mo's Bloggy Blog for September Something LXQZMo's Bloggy Blog for September Something NsFXMo's Bloggy Blog for September Something UrkQMo's Bloggy Blog for September Something UfUO
Please clicky my eggs. :3
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