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:: Ratty's randomly rattyful blog :: 11/3/09 ::

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:: Ratty's randomly rattyful blog :: 11/3/09 :: Empty :: Ratty's randomly rattyful blog :: 11/3/09 ::

Post by rattyjol 11/4/2009, 12:38 am

Lesse... What'd I do today...?

So... I woke up like an hour early. o.0 I worked on NaNo for a while, had breakfast, freaked out my mom cuz I was already awake and dressed at like 6:45, worked on more NaNo, and was in the bathroom with the door OPEN when Lev rang the doorbell to let us know that they were waiting. o.0 And my dad opened the front door. XP

Homeroom we did nothing...

In Math we took notes on what I did yesterday when I finished early. And then the homework assignment ended exactly where I ran out of time yesterday. cheesy

In Jewish Studies we watched a TV show on Jewish Americans.

First period Humanities we talked about the Café tomorrow (Very Happy) and then continued with the Jewish American show.

Lunch I forgot about yearbook for like thirty seconds, ran to get there cuz I thought I'd be late, and ended up waiting there for like five minutes for anyone else to show up. XD

Second period Humanities was exactly the same as the first.

Instead of Hebrew, we had a discussion with the principal about something that happened on the DC trip. *shudders* I'm scared of Quentin now.

Recess I read.

In PE we played four-ball soccer again and I actually got the ball all the way down the field! cheesy Of course, everyone was kind of focusing on the other balls at the moment... but it's still awesome, right? Very Happy After I'd passed it off to the rest of my team and they scored, Danny called me his brother again. *sigh*

Science we did more review for the quiz tomorrow and test next week.

Then I took the bus to the library and walked home. And got on the comp... Ooh, and we had cake after dinner. cheesy

Also, I forgot to say that yesterday, while we were waiting for Coach to come take us to the park for PE, a group of first graders ganged up on Danny and started chasing him around, and he's almost six feet tall, so that was really funny to watch. XD Then they started chasing Ben, and when we came back one of them grabbed onto Dori and wouldn't let go. XD

Like an hour ago I had a wordwar with Dream. nod 15 minutes. Final score:

Me: 531
Dream: 1317

Epic wordwar fail. XD In my defense, I was listening to music. But that's a really really really feeble defense. I'm just a terrible wordwar-er. nod Maybe I'll try one with my mom sometime... cheesy

Random thought of the day: Anyone seen this on the NaNo site?

And please remember: If you write a paragraph or chapter you don't like, just put it in italics (or change the font color to white). Do not delete! After you write your way across the 50,000-word finish line, you can double back and clip out all the parts of your book that make you cringe (I think you'll surprise yourself with what you decide to keep). For now, just keep moving forward! There's an old folk saying that goes: Whenever you delete a sentence in your NaNoWriMo novel, a NaNoWriMo angel loses its wings and plummets, screaming, to the ground.

Where it will likely require medical attention.

These are words to live by. Resist the tyranny of the delete key! Onward! Upward! To Day Three!

Haha. XD
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